Will You Remember a Charity in Your Will?
Will you remember a Charity in your Will?
Will you remember a Charity in your Will?
Undertaken during Covid restrictions in 2021, to help charities with their legacy fundraising plans. The Remember a Charity Podcast is available via the following audio links: Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/will-writing-in-a-pandemic-panel-discussion/id1517869173?i=1000509540844 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/28h4tByrtbhxGG9tj9Ienf?si=ZpBhMDBNRGCq4FOhYuVyWw
To help raise awareness for leaving a gift to charity in your Will, Iain accompanied 6 ‘Extreme Will Writers’ to write a gift in their will - in the most extreme circumstance they could think of. Watch this short clip to find out more!
Some archived footage from 1987 of Iain Wanstall briefing his platoon.
Iain explains the importance of military Wills and LPAs.
Iain reflects on his time in the army and explains why he works so closely with military personnel and their families.
If you don't have a Will then the law dictates who benefits, and this can prove difficult for unmarried couples.
Iain explains the importance of Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs).
Iain explains the importance of regularly reviewing your Will.
An introduction to Iain and some background on how he came to set up Wanstall Consulting.